CTBC Bank's Core Banking System Upgrade

As part of our commitment to find ways to serve you even better, we are pleased to inform you that we are upgrading to our new core banking system on June 10, 2024. Following this migration, all CTBC Bank account number/s will be replaced with a new account number. However, your existing account number/s shall remain valid until such time that a new account number is issued to you upon your visit at your branch of account.

If you have existing Checking Account/s with us and have checkbook/s that bear your current account number, you may continue using these checks, provided your checks already follow the new check design standards.

We are grateful for your support and look forward to continuously serving your banking needs.

For any queries, contact our Customer Care Unit:

8840-1234 (Metro Manila)
1-800-10-8401234 (Toll-Free from other provinces through PLDT) [email protected]