Reminder on New Check Design Standards

Effective May 1, 2024, the Bank shall only accept checks with new design standards.

For reference, hereunder is the image of the new check design:

     1. Individual box for the issuance date following the MM-DD-YYYY format.
     2. Peso sign is outside the “Amount in Figures” box.
     3. White box space for the signature.

Alteration/s or erasure/s on any of the information on the face of the Check (i.e. on the date, payee’s name, amount in figures and in words, etc.) is/are prohibited and will render the Check unacceptable for clearing.

Please contact your branch of account to request for new checks.

For any queries, contact our Customer Care Unit:

8840-1234 (Metro Manila)
1-800-10-8401234 (Toll-Free from other provinces through PLDT) [email protected]