Home > Account Security Tips
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  • Do not share your PIN, OTP, login, and transaction details with anyone.
  • Do not click links. CTBC Bank will NEVER send links through SMS and email.
  • Do not scan any QR code and access a link that you are not sure about. Always verify its source, especially when sent via email.
  • Always keep your online Bank account secured by activating its two-factor authentication feature.
  • Refrain from using any PC/laptop/mobile phone that you do not trust especially when you log in to your account.
  • Do not post your account details on social media or any public channels.
  • Have a different password for each account. Do not use your name, birthday, or other easy-to-guess password.
  • Memorize your PIN and do not write it on your card or store inside your wallet.
  • Regularly change your password. Make it hard for others but easy for you to remember. Use 8 or more alphanumeric characters at a minimum.
  • Update your personal information regularly with the Bank so you can be contacted easily.
  • Make it a habit to check CTBC Bank’s website (e.g. Bank Security Tips and eBanking Security) and/or official Facebook account to know more about the Bank’s latest news and product offerings.
  • Familiarize yourself on the types of scams that may be out there. The more you know their tactics and techniques, the easier it will be to be safe online and keep your personal information out of the hands of cyber fraudsters.

If you suspect that your account may have been compromised, please contact your
branch of account or CTBC Bank Customer Care Unit immediately.

8840-1234 (Metro Manila)

1-800-10-8401234 (Toll-Free from other provinces through PLDT)

[email protected]